Muhannad Bakir has been appointed as the Dan Fielder Professor in the Georgia Tech School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), effective September 1, 2019.

ECE Associate Professor Shimeng Yu has been named as the recipient of the inaugural Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) Young Faculty Award.

On Friday 6 September, Prof. David Citrin gave a seminar “Teasing out the hidden layers of an old master painting using terahertz imaging” at the Center for Research and Restoration of Museums of France located in the basement of the Palais du Louvre.

. In order to further develop the quantum eco-system at Georgia Tech, the Institute for Electronics and Nanotechnology has awarded a multidisciplinary team a seed fund for the establishment of the Georgia Tech Quantum Alliance (GTQA).

Successful proposals to this program will identify a new, currently-unfunded research idea that requires core facility access to generate preliminary data necessary to pursue other funding avenues.