The federal government’s Uniform Requirements law is streamlining guidance and increasing accountability for recipients of federal funding.

At Tech, 52 percent of students have an international experience before they graduate, and many students come from other countries to call Tech home for a semester or more.

Tech4Good, Idea to Prototype, and the Capstone Design Expo will let students show what they have been working on this semester.

The two courses being offered this semester are team taught and interdisciplinary. Both have a “GT” designation, meaning they can count as a free elective for any major.

Of the 14,861 applicants during Tech's Early Action admission period, 4,424 were admitted on Jan. 9.

GTSF will give out around $19,000 this semester, and applications are now open for the first round of the allocation process.

Events will be hosted for faculty, staff during the spring semester.

On Tuesday, Feb. 9, Enterprise to Empower (En2Em) will host the annual Social Enterprise Career Fair from noon to 4 p.m. in the Klaus Atrium.

Georgia Tech graduate programs continue to earn high marks from U.S. News & World Report's annual rankings.

Winners of the annual Georgia Tech contest will be announced March 16

Thousands of students lined up in the Student Center Commons, hoping to secure a ticket to hear President Barack Obama when he visits campus Tuesday.

President Barack Obama gave shout-outs to George P. Burdell, the Ramblin’ Wreck, and even thermodynamics homework when he came to Georgia Tech on Tuesday to announce his Student Aid Bill of Rights.

Many of Georgia Tech’s largest competitions take place during spring semester, giving students an opportunity to showcase their ideas and get the funding and resources they need to turn them into a reality.

CREATE-X is a collective of programs designed to boost students' entrepreneurial confidence and give them the tools they need to establish startups.

This year, applications hit a record high of 30,520 — a 12 percent increase over last year. Of that number, around 25 percent were offered admission between early action and regular decision rounds.

Georgia Tech received more than 27,500 applications. A total of 8,521 students have been offered admission.

Wobble took home second place. TruePani named fan favorite.

The Energy Innovation Center will be a place where ideas, innovation and investment intersect

As Spring Break approaches, you may be searching for ways to spend your well-deserved vacation time. If you plan to stay on campus, Atlanta is offers plenty of opportunities to make your break memorable.

Georgia Tech students could soon have more time to prepare for finals and an extra day off at Thanksgiving, thanks to proposed changes to the academic calendar.

FireHUD will represent Georgia Tech in the inaugural ACC InVenture Prize competition.

Gift will support construction adjacent to Van Leer Building.

With more than 530 members, Georgia Tech's chapter of the Society of Women Engineers is the second largest in the nation.

The Center for 21st Century Universities recently assembled a team of “flipping veterans" to share successes and failures they’ve experienced in learning to flip a class.

Student inventors from Georgia Tech, Boston College, Duke University, University of North Carolina and University of Virginia will compete in the ACC InVenture Prize finale.

Renowned Washington, D.C.-area Chef Tim Ma, a 2000 graduate, gave up a successful career in engineering to return to his first love—food.

Camilla, Georgia native juggles engineering and acting.

Georgia Tech’s campus is home to many research laboratories, but how often is Tech itself the subject of research?

With six months remaining, the initial campaign goal has been surpassed and just a handful of individual goals remain.

Students in Data Science for Social Good show non-profits and government agencies how data can tackle social and societal problems.

FireHUD, which was invented by two Tech students, received the People’s Choice Award and $5,000

Intel announces gift of $5 million to support Georgia Tech efforts to recruit, retain and graduate underrepresented minorities.

The acquisition of the Biltmore will help Georgia Tech accommodate additional innovation centers and startups.

For students at all levels, now is the time to contact the Fellowships Office to apply to many prestigious award programs.

The Black Student Experience Task Force presented its 11 recommendations to President G.P. “Bud” Peterson late last spring. All recommendations were approved and will be implemented over the next three academic years.

Students should take these into account when attending the Career Fair this fall.

At its August 12 meeting, the Board of Regents approved 2016 health care benefit plans, new professional degree programs, endowed school chairs, and several faculty appointments for Georgia Tech.

Although construction won’t begin until the spring semester of 2017, students have been working since 2015 to design the Solar Home at Georgia Tech that will be entered in the next Department of Energy Solar Decathlon.

2015 ARWU rankings rate Georgia Tech’s engineering, computer science, and science programs among the best in the world.

Georgia Tech celebrates 248th commencement with approximately 1,800 undergraduate and graduate students participating in the ceremonies.