This research paves the way to design anticipatory networking approaches for future wireless systems.

Individual robots can work collectively as swarms to create major advances in everything from construction to surveillance, but microrobots’ small scale is ideal for drug delivery, disease diagnosis, and even surgeries.

Absolics, Inc., a subsidiary of SKC Co., broke ground on a new semiconductor manufacturing facility in Covington, Georgia, on November 1.

Zachary Engel and Keisuke Motoki won the Best Oral Presentation Award and the Best Student Poster Award, respectively.

The UCEM Fellowship has the goal of increasing the number of outstanding engineering, science, and computing Ph.D. students from under-served populations.

He will assume this role on December 1, 2022.

The School’s partnership with the Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC), in particular, will be key to the country’s long-term semiconductor competitiveness.

The Marconi Society Paul Baran Young Scholar Award honors the world’s most innovative young engineers in information and communications technology (ICT).

Each year, ten outstanding IPS student members from around the world are awarded the Graduate Student Scholarship. Md Shariful Islam, a Ph.D. candidate in the Georgia Tech School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), has been selected for the 2022

The rebrand will create a more recognizable name and expand the Georgia Tech brand in the region and greater Europe.