Promotion and/or tenure is awarded by the Board of Regents.

Two ECE women leaders, Pamela Bhatti and Ying Zhang are featured for their contributions across the College.

The Icefin robot’s unprecedented look inside a crevasse, and observations revealing more than a century of geological processes beneath the ice shelf, are detailed in a new paper in Nature Geoscience.

The award has recognizes excellence in system-level integrated circuit architectures or in analog, mixed-signal, or digital integrated circuit design.

A new study will examine the relatively invisible role of the algorithms 20th-century engineers developed to optimize the electric power grid.

Black History Month Spotlight: Celebrating ECE’s Black Voices

Georgia Tech-Europe and MIT researchers are using emerging technology to demonstrate a process that will enable more immersive and realistic virtual and augmented reality displays with the world’s smallest and thinnest micro-LEDs.

Inan is the director of the Inan Research Lab, where he and his research team work on non-invasive physiological sensing and modulation.

They are honored for their technical achievement and for their service to the general optics community.

The award is the most prestigious award in support of early-career faculty who have the potential to serve as academic role models.