ECE Assistant Professor Mark A. Davenport has been named to CETL's 2014 Class of 1969 Teaching Fellows Program.

Mark A. Davenport, an assistant professor in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at Georgia Tech, has been named to the 2014 Class of 1969 Teaching Fellows Program. This program is offered to a small group of professors each year by the Georgia Tech Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (CETL).

The Class of 1969 Teaching Fellows Program is designed for early career professionals who want to develop their full teaching potential. During this academic-year-long experience, the Teaching Fellows will explore various aspects of teaching and learning in weekly seminars, receive private assistance with teaching, and undertake a project to improve student learning in one of their courses.

Davenport joined the ECE faculty in August 2012, where he is a member of the Center for Signal and Information Processing. He has taught both undergraduate and graduate signal processing courses and an undergraduate probability course that have been enthusiastically received by the students. Davenport has been recognized with CETL’s Class of 1940 Teaching Effectiveness Award and the 2014 LexisNexis Dean’s Excellence Award, which spotlights outstanding educators from among the untenured junior faculty at the assistant professor level in the College of Engineering.